Blog Posts I'm yet to write

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Hello everyone! And a very hapy Tuesday! How are you all?

I'm finding it really REALLY hard to stick to a blogging schedule at the moment. It's not that I have bloggers block as such, it's more that I'll come up with a post idea but then whn it comes down to writing it, the words just don't come naturally. A bit like, when you've lost your voice, you have things to say, but you can't actually say them without forcing it. Does that make sense?

I've seen quite a few travvel bloggers making a list of all the travel tales they are yet to tell and asking people which one they'd like to hear next, so I thought... why not do that but with the blog posts I'm yet to write? I'm literally using my bloggers block to blog! Plus hopefully some of these ideas sound interesting to you and with a little bit of encouragement from you guys I can find my voice again!

So, here is a list of blog posts I am yet to write. Let me know in the comments which ones you'd like to see actually published!

Decluttering for the Naturally Messy

Is My Fitbit Making Me Fitter?

100 Sunday Loves (a bumper Sunday love post with ideas for christmas pressies in)

My Top Tips For Public Speaking

Defining Yourself as a Creative

Creative at Christmas

Why I Studied A Subject that I Love Instead of a Sensible One

A Travel Bucket List

That's Just How I Look - Or How I Came to Accept My Face in Photos

What I Learnt From Rebranding

How I Plan My Instagram

You Don't Need The Razzle Dazzle - Why you shouldn't wait to start creating

A List of Words I Don't Want To Be

Stop Telling Me To Stop - I didn't realise that was "bad" until you said it was!

The Inside of My Notebook

How To Leave Good comments - on Blogs and Instagram!

My Unusual Job - a series of guest posts from people with unusual jobs

It Get's Me Through The Day - a list of my daily essentials

Why Doing What You Love Is Fuel Giving

What It's Like To Have A Job You Have To justify to People

'Oh So Really You Wish You Were an Actor?' - Why I'm quite happy not to be the one on stage

I also feel like I should write something about my thoughts on the way the world is at the moment, but I'm still processing that. What do you think? Do any of these sound interesting to you guys? Or is there something else you'd like me to chat about/give my thoughts on? Let me know in the comments below xx

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