My Work

Alongside scribbling on the internet I work full time as a creative producer.

'What the dickens is that?' I hear you ask! Good question...

Obviously, I have an official job description but I won't bore you with that because in a nutshell it basically means I make creative things happen. Whether that's theatre shows, craft workshops, festivals or performing myself.

The majority of my work is community-focused. I am passionate about encouraging people to engage in the arts and get creative themselves. I like working with challenging communities who make me question 'why the arts?' on a regular basis!

In the past I have:

  • Written, performed and toured with two original solo shows
  • Produced several day long storytelling festivals
  • Ran workshops in storytelling; public speaking; blogging; craft and more
  • Set up two groups of community promoters in local authority venues
  • Worked on commission to produce several new pieces of theatre with disengaged young people about subjects that mattered to them and their community
  • Delivered Arts Award sessions at Bronze and Silver level
  • Worked in schools to deliver a 6-lesson programme which tied the theatre to all areas of the curriculum
  • Produced a site-specific piece of storytelling based on listeners of BBC Radio Lancashire's memories of Blackburn
  • Set up volunteer programmes and delivered volunteer training within arts venues
  • And much much more...

Here on my blog I regularly write updates on specific projects I'm working on, as well as sharing my thoughts on the creative process and the arts, all of which you can read here.

I'm always looking for new projects and challenges! If you have a project which you'd like to talk to me about drop me an email on


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