Monday... Hello December...

Monday 7 December 2015

Hey everyone! Happy December! Unlike everyone else I can't believe it is ONLY the 7th of December. I feel like I've been feeling festive for months now! Which I am blaming entirely on my trip to Berlin, as I'm not normally one for staring Christmas in November.

Since coming back I've been feeling incredibly unfocused. I think part of me expected to come home, and wake up to Christmas day, so now having to wait another 3 weeks feels like a long slog! IT's also that time of year when everything and everyone starts to wind down so I can't seem to gee myself up by feeding off what's happening around me.

It's not just at my day job I've been feeling this way. Here too there has been a definite lack of consistency, and actually, that started before I went away. I also can't seem to get my head into working on my new show, or even spending time on journaling.

It's not an entirely unpleasant feeling. To have got to the end of a super busy year and to only have the mental capacity to find the next mince pie, but it is making me feel a bit out of sorts. A bit unlike me.

So if nothing else I want to promise myself that I will consistently post over the next couple of weeks. So much has happened this year that I want to reflect over that properly, I've got all my photos and adventures from Berlin to share, and sitting in my inbox are some gorgeous photos and positive messages about body image for the next 'My favourite things...' post.

These are posts I'm looking forward to sharing with you. That I'm looking forward to writing. If I can just put my mince pie and mulled wine down long enough to type.

Everything else? Well I'd love to make some outlandish goals about detoxing, exercising, and writing a 2 hour show before the end of the year, but in reality, I know that probably isn't going to happen. And setting the bar that high, and not reaching it, would only leave me feeling like a failure. Which is no how I want to end 2015.

I want to end 2015 feeling proud for everything I've accomplished thus far, and to make the most of December with family, friends and the young man.

So the only list of goals I'll be making, is one full of Christmas Films I've never seen before, because this December I should probably limit myself to only watching Love Actually once a week.

So Happy December everyone, I hope you're in the festive spirit too, and if not, have a mince pie on me.

Live life & embrace the season to be jolly x

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