Hello everyone, and happy Sunday! How are you? In all honesty I'm still in shock after the EU referendum result on Friday. In some ways it feels odd to be posting about anything other than that right now, but I'm still processing, as I think many of us are. And, life will continue. So as it is Sunday and I am a week late posting my 'loves' as it is, I thought putting this together could come as a happy distraction for all of us.
Image taken from DesignSponge |
1. These giant posters as featured on Design Sponge
Doesn't that poster look like a real authentic piece of art work? Well that's because it is, albeit a poster print version of a real piece of art work, but still beautiful. I am normally drawn to brighter more modern art work, and small scale pieces but I LOVE these Sycamore Street Press posters that were featured on Design Sponge this week, and it's certainly got me thinking about GOING BIG with my next art work!
2. RobbiosTea with Cinnamon
Honestly I'm not sponsored or affiliated by Ahmad tea in every way, but they do seem to feature quite heavily in my 'love' lists, probably because their teas are absolutely delicous. My current favourite is a cup Roobios and Cinamon, maybe a little out of season but so warming and delicous on an evening!
3. New Look Wide Fit Shoes
Shoes are another thing which seem to feature every time I put one of these lists together, which is odd, cos I'm not really THAT into shoes. One of the reasons for this is that I have very small feet that are very wide around my toes, so I tend to stick with the same style of shoe always. However, New Look is my saving grace with their Wide Fit range, not much more expensive than primark but always so much more durable. I snapped up a pair of wide fit sandals in the sale before I went on holiday and they were so comfy. I love these wedges and at £24.99 I might even be able to justify them!
4. Barry M Sunset Daylight Curing Nail Varnish
So when I went to my friends wedding last month, and with me going on holiday I really wanted to get some pampering done. Fancy nails, eyelash tinting the works. However the works cost money, money you're probably sick of hearing, that I don't really have. So instead I had to DIY it. I love Barry M nail varnishes and all the colours they come in, but the sunset daylight curing collection is a revelation, because when paired with the top coat, and guys this is a big deal... it doesn't chip! My only slight disappointment is that if you use the Sunset top coat on normal nail varnish it doesn't have the same magic. Actually it makes your nail colour peel off in one go, addictive and weirdly satisfying but not exactly desired. Still, if like me you have a special occasion coming up and you want nail varnish with staying power, i'd definitely look at this collection. Available online here.
5. Emilio Braga Stationery
I'm guessing you all know by now that I'm a notebook hoarder. Duh, I have a blog, but while in Lisbon I may have found a new favourite in Emilio Braga stationery. This family run business has been around for years and I think what made me really fall in love with their notebooks is that they are so lightweight but durable feeling. My current notebook was gorgeous when I bought it, but it is now pretty grubby looking, and not to mention so flipping heavy! The above picture doesn't really do these simple beautiful notebooks justice, but I wanted to give them a mention anyway. I'm trying to hold out on using the one I picked up in Lisbon until my birthday, but I'm not making any promises!
6. The Last Leg
The guys on The Last Leg haven't had an easy job of making light or sense of the news recently, and yet they have managed to create a programme that has handled all of the bad so beautifully recently. I only just caught up on their episode from the week of the Orlando and Jo Cox shootings, and it was so beautifully and sensitively, and honestly handled, that I cried. Not what you normally want from a comedy show, but exactly what was needed.
7. Brooklyn 99
Another show I have really gotten into recently (as in I've watched all 3 seasons in the same amount of weeks) is Brooklyn 99. I know, I know, the adverts kind of make it look terrible, but give it a chance, it's actually really funny, and clever, and even dare I say it, respectful. The way it pokes fun at how normal cop comedies might approach, race, sexuality and women is one of my favourite things about the show. Have you watched it? Or like me were you put off by the cliched E4 adverts?
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Images taken from InstagramJapan |
8. Following Instagrams individual countries accounts...
Did you guys know that Instagram has official accounts for different countries where they feature the best photos from local users? I didn't, and I may be way behind on this, but I am now following basically all of them and one of my favourites is the InstagramJapan account. Such a good way to induce some pretty serious wanderlust and inspiration!
9. Podcasts and Stitcher...
I've really been getting into podcasts over the past year or so but recently I've been listening to one a day, something which has been made much easier by the Stitcher app, which lets me download episodes onto my adroid phone. My favourites that you're probably heard me mention before are, The Slow Your Home Podcast, Let It Out with Katie Dalebout, and Being Boss, but I'm always on the look out for any recommendations you might have!
10. You guys...
As always I like to share some of my favourite posts from the past month, so here are just a handful of blogs that I've loved recently
- I absolutely fell in love with Cloe's furry frineds in her Alpaca Walking post
- I could relate to basically everything in this from Sophie -My relationship With Exercise
- Mimmi's Monthly Meal posts are always full of delicious inspiration
- Congratulations to Alice on completing her marathon
- Sohpie Rosie is completely right - Life Changes Pretty Bloomin Quick
- I'm allowed to be heartbroken by Katy genuinely brought me to tears
What have you guys been loving recently? I'd love to hear what your favourite blog/podcast/new find has been recently. When there are so many big REAL things in the world, it can feel a bit frivolous to be paying attention to products and fashion and all the other things that can keep us preoccupied, but I also think that these are the things that help keeps us sane. And while it can feel like distracting ourselves it also gives our brain some 'off' time and lets it process everything else.
Anyway hoping everyone is ok after what has been a couple of tough world weeks, lots of love x
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