Life lately...

Friday, 5 February 2016

Happy Friday everyone! How are you? I've definitely caught the dreaded lurgy, and after a busy-too-busy-to-be-ill January, February has got off to a very slow start. But that was to be expected I suppose. I always get ill this time of year, where it doesn't matter how much sleep I get it never seems to be enough. I think it is my bodies way of saying 'enough of the cold and dark already.'

It's been a while since I sat down with you all and had a cup of tea and a catch up hasn't it? I've cut down my blogging schedule massively lately, focusing on writing about subjects I really have something to say about rather than putting pressure to put something out three times a week, but today I thought I'd just check in with you all. You know to remind you that behind my slightly jaunty, slightly inaccurate metaphorical ramblings, there is in fact a real person.

So as I've already mentioned January was pretty epic! There was no time to ease myself back into work after the christmas break, but in all honesty I was glad to just be getting stuck in again. Not only was work pretty crazy, with six day weeks and late night finishes, but what free time I did have seemed to quickly fill up.

After all the Christmas shopping and coffee shop dwelling that came in December the young man and I were a little bored of spending our weekends in Manchester, so we spent a lovely afternoon up at Tatton Park in Knutsford. It might have been cold and muddy but it was definitely worth the trek through the grounds just to see all the Deer milling around. Tatton Park is a huge deer park, so you're pretty much guaranteed to see a herd rolling across the field or casually grazing for their lunch! In all honesty I wasn't that blown away by everything else Tatton had to offer, trying to grab lunch was a nightmare, and every single part of the house you had to pay separately to get into, so my advice would be to go see the deer, wander around the fields and then head into nearby Knutsford for lunch.

We also headed for a weekend away to Liverpool at the end of January to combat those blues. And because I'm a rubbish blogger, I barely took any pictures, despite eating in some amazing places, and really falling in love with Liverpool a bit. I'd not really spent much time there before, but the young man went to Uni there so could guide me around the sites. I loved wandering down by the docks, and thought that if I'd had a little money Liverpool One would of made a fantastic shopping afternoon. But mainly I loved the food. Especially my Sunday brunch at Leaf, where I had a full vegan English Breakfast and I was spoilt for choice when it came to loose leaf tea. My breakfast was amazing as far as being a vegan goes, but if it hadn't of being Vegan-uary I would have been ALL over their pancake stacks! Liverpool isn't all that far away from me on the train so hopefully I'll get a chance to go back soon!

Some friends of mine were recently given some arts council funding, and I saw there first production, 'Orphans' at Hope Mill Theatre at the beginning of January. They got some well deserved amazing reviews for it, so I'm excited to see what they do next! The venue they used was the brand new, totally gorgeous Hope Mill Theatre. If you're in Manchester you should definitely take a look at what else is coming up there! Their cafe bar is open in the week for coffee, and they serve pizza at the intervals! You should also keep an eye out for Play with Fire Productions, I'm not just saying this cos they are my friends, but they are making work good enough to be at the Royal Exchange for a quarter of the ticket price!

Now it's the first weekend in February and I've been holed up in bed for the past two days with what feels like the worst cold anyone has ever had! But I'm going to brave it out of my pyjammas and head back home to York later this afternoon, and then me and the Family are going to see my sister in Newcastle. There's no rest for the wicked eh?

What have you been up to lately? Have you succumbed to the dreaded lurgies too? I hope not!

Live life & avoid my germs x

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