Happy Friday #6...

Friday 11 December 2015

Happy Friday everyone! How are you? It is SO LONG since I last did a happy post, that this could be a very long list, or I might just pick out some highlights, I haven't decided yet! While this time of year might have had it's usual effect on my motivation for blogging, and eating anything other than mince pies, at least it hasn't had the same negative effect on my overall mood as it did this time last year! In fact half the reason motivation is so lacking for blogging etc. is because spending time with friends, the young man, and feeling festive has just been too darn lovely! So enough rambling, lets get on with actually listing the lovely things!

1. Egg puff waffles at Cha Kee in Manchester...
A couple of weeks ago, the young man and I headed into china town in Manchester after having stumbled across and drooled over pictures of Cha Kee waffles on Instagram. I have to confess, I don't head into china town that often, and only ever for an evening meal, but these were amazing! I ordered mine with matcha ice cream, and the young man stuck to Vanilla, with a blueberry smoothie to wash it down with. Cha Kee is a Hong Kong style cafe, and the menu is pretty limited, with waffles or gourmet toasties (who knew Hong Kong loved toasties?) but it is definitely worth a visit, for something a little different to your usual wedge of cake!

2. Meeting the friends...
Speaking of the young man, he has now met my two closest friends (and passed with flying colours) and last weekend his best friends from Uni headed up our way. I've massively stopped drinking this year, but my word I still love a good night out! Is there anything better to aid getting to know people than a cocktail and a dance? I think not.
3. Berlin, obviously...
This is a happy list but I have to admit, I have been suffering from some pretty serious holiday blue pangs since coming back. Berlin was AMAZING, and I will post properly about it all soon I promise, I have the feeling editing the photos might be just the ticket to breaking my bloggers block. Everything was so christmassy, and crispy cold, that I expected to come home and open presents straight away! Luckily the festivities have continued back on home soil!
4. Works Christmas do...
We had our works Christmas do SUPER early this year. Seriously, we'd only just begun to mutter December, but just because it was early doesn't mean we scrimped of the holiday traditions though! Secret santa, paper hats and prossecco. It had it all! We're such a small team, and we can work over weekends and evening, that we basically never socialise outside of work hours so it was really lovely to spend some time not talking shop!
5. Christmas Shopping...
Ok, so I'm currently in a 'nobody will like anything I've bought' doubting stage, but even so, I do love Christmas shopping. Spending time thinking about your loved ones really want, and that feeling you get when you find JUST the right thing. Most of my shopping this year has been done online, but me and the Young Man are taking Monday off for festive coffee specials, and to hopefully get all the BIG ones finished. I'm not going to pretend I won't still be in town the week before Christmas though, because I actually love that mad rush bit!

7. Getting some freelance work...
Remember how after Summer, one of my main goals was to work on my money habits, and how horribly smug I was at making such good progress? Well. I went on holiday, and it's December and now I'm basically back at square one. HOWEVER, I've done it before so I can do it again! Plus I've had a few pieces of freelance work since getting back, and you REALLY appreciate that extra income, when that gnawing feeling in your tummy is threatening to come back! Plus, I've not had much chance to really concentrate on my own theatre work lately, so it was good to remind myself I'm not out of the game just yet!
8. Being crazy proud of some of my friends...
 Seriously, I am friends with some BAD ASS, totally fearless people. The type of people who aren't afraid to admit they want something new, to try something out and admit it isn't for them, to pack up all their things and travel the world, or to decide, if the universe won't make it happen for them. They'll do it themselves. Who needs inspirational pinterest quotes when you're surrounded by people like that?
9. Christmas films, specifically the 'I can't believe you haven't already seen...' ones...
I am not ashamed to say I've been watching Christmas films since November. There are just TOO many to fit in. Especially when you factor in I'd never seen Elf before! The amount I cry at films though is ridiculous, but I can't help it, it's all just so lovely!

10.  Oh erm.... Minestrone soup?
Ok so in the grand scheme of things, soup probably isn't up there with everything else on this list, but you can't get to nine happy things, and not have a tenth one right?  Plus it's pretty delicous, and warming and just what I need this Friday lunch. And bonus points for it not being a mince pie.

So there you have it, quite the conglomerate (suprised myself with that one) of happy things! How about you? Are you full of Christmas cheer yet? Or are you on the final slog before the holidays can really begin?

Live life & if you're happy and you know it, use fancy words x

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