Not So Grim Up North

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Hello and Happy Tuesday! I know, two posts in two days! Sorry didn't mean to give you a fright! What can I say this weekend and my new template has got me all motivated!

I always take it for granted that people reading this know I am a northerner born and bred forgetting that the wonder of the internet means that you can know my inner deepest darkest thoughts without ever having heard my Yorkshire accent.

So for any of you who didn't know, I'm a Yorkshire lass, although currently, I live in Lancashire. I have spent my entire life up North, and the last 8 years crossing back and forth over the Pennines. I grew up in York, went to University in Lancashire, lived for a while in Manchester and now find myself in Blackburn.

Yes sometimes the bright lights of London seem alluring especially when you consider I work in the arts, and unfortunately the majority of funding does still head south (yeah I said it). But I love the North, and when I when I hear people bleating out the old cliches about it being grim or boring I do actually get a little mad.

So when The Car People got in touch asking me to shout loud and proud that it's Not So Grim Up North it was an easy YES. So for those of you who aren't convinced, or for those of you who are by my side fighting the good fight, here is a list of why It's Not So Grim Up North....

1. The People 

I'd be such a hypocrite if I moaned about people using cliches to describe the North and then jumped right on in with a cliche about the South! In my experience people down south have always been polite and helpful, and while it may be a faster pace of life I in general, you guys know, I believe you can find good people everywhere. But people from different places do tend to have a certain set of qualities in common, and I would describe Northern people as warm and generous with their time. They have an ability to laugh at themselves and one another. They have their priorities straight, and come up with the best pet names for one another.

I'm not saying Northern people are better than others... but they are pretty damm good, ducky.

2. The Seaside

While it might not have the tropical climate of Spain and our beeches aren't made up of soft white sand, the Northern seaside really is something special. Growing up I spent my weekends wandering around Robin Hoods Bay, Whitby and Scarborough so the Yorkshire coast holds a very special place in my heart, and now that I don't live so close to it, I realise just how lucky I was! That's not to say that the Lancashire coast doesn't have it's own charm! 

3.  All the Beautiful Cities, Towns and Villages

Every time I go home to York I am reminded just how much I took it for granted when I was growing up. But York is just one of the beautiful places the North has to offer. Lancaster (where I went to Uni) is another of those places you'll hear people say 'Oh it's lovely there.' And you're never too far away from a quaint village, an afternoon tea (served with a proper pot of tea) and breathtaking countryside. My favourite way to spend a Saturday always has an always will be exploring a little off the beaten track, and I doubt I'm going to run out of new places to visit any time soon! 

4. There's So Much Going On

I know that I might be a little old before my time with my penchant for cute villages, and afternoon teas, but for those of you who are a bit more hip than hip replacement, the North has just as much to offer as the South. Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds are amazing cities. Our nightlife is amazing and also reasonably priced! We have hidden crazy golf courses, and food markets. We have big theatre's and little ones. We have real ale, and trendy cocktails, and damm good coffee too. Sure outside the big cities it might not be as obvious that there's something exciting going on, but the North is full of people that will make things happen. By hook or by crook... and half the fun of it is been the person to find the next big thing!

5. The Fresh Air

Now I know I've already mentioned how pretty the countryside is, but the Northern air deserves it's own mention. You're never far away from an openspace in the North. Our parks are gorgeous, and always only a stone throw away. Our walks and hills are world renowned, and nothing can cure the blues like a good blast of Northern fresh air. 

6. The Sport

I literally have no idea, but I asked the Young Man and he said Sport in the North is a hundred times better than the south... 

So there you have it, my ode to the North! And now that Spring is in the air I can't wait to get my camera out, and snap away to prove to the world and instagram, that there is nothing grim about the North!

Are you a Northerner like me? What's your favourite thing about where you live? North or South it's always easy to take what we have on our doorstep for granted, so wherever your from I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

This post has been done in collaboration with The Car People. I have not been paid for this post, although I am looking forward to receiving a hamper of things people associate with the North (tea, lots and lots of tea!). If you'd like to see why other bloggers believe it's Not So Grim Up North, be sure to check out The Car People's gallery here. As always all opinions are my own x

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