Refusing To Let The January Blues Win - Happy Friday no. 23

Friday 13 January 2017

Happy Friday everyone! How are you? Ready for the weekend? Me too - however - this weekend is a working one for me...  I'm going on a residential with 15 teenagers all in the name of theatre! I expect come Sunday I'll have rap music ringing in my ears and very little sanity left - but hopefully also at least some lots of inspiration for a new show!

I'm trying not to dwell on it too much - after all if you go in expecting to have a bad time you probably will. So with that in mind, and the January blues threatening to rear their ugly head, I thought it was the perfect time to remind myself of all the good things that have happened lately!

. A Good Read Guys, it finally happened... I've finally run out of series to binge watch on Netflix. I mean I am sure there are still HUNDREDS of great things to watch on their, but at the moment nothing is appealing to me. Team that with the fact that for the first time ever I've set myself a Good Reads Challenge and voila I have returned to my natural state of book worm! Two books down - only 58 more to go. If after a long January day at work you're feeling drained and empty, I suggest an early night and a good book - escape the day in the best possible way! My first book of the year was 'A Man Called Ove' and it is going to take a lot to beat it!

.The January Challenge I explained why I'm taking part in the January Challenge and what it is last week - but in a nutshell every day I am emailed a 10-20 minute creative task to complete. Sometimes it's drawing, other days, writing and this week I was even challenged to make an instrument (or whole band!) from objects in my house! These short creative breaks have been a great way of clearing my head and getting myself out of a mid day inspiration slump!

. A Gentle Saturday Adventure Oh January weekends, part of me wants to stay in and hibernate all weekend and the other part desperately feels the need to get out and do something after the Christmas down time. So last weekend the Young Man and I found the perfect compromise with a gentle mooch to Hebden Bridge, where we mindlessly looked in independent shops, ate cake and drank beer. Legs stretched but not strained.

.  Followed By A Sunday Well Spent I followed this up with a Sunday all to myself, I contemplated Spring cleaning, but instead busied myself with - you guessed it - my book and my blog! I have quite a bit going on at the moment, so while there is always housework to be done, I can feel that physically and mentally I NEED to switch off, more than I need to tackle what horrors lie under my bed.

. Blogging Flow I love this time of year for blogging! I always find my flow much easier in the first half of the year than the second. Not only that but it seems that there is a real positive feeling in the ol'blogosphere currently, lots of people emphasising how important sharing and engaging is! And you know how important I think sharing the love as a blogger is!

. New Year Inspiration & New Projects Not only am I feeling inspired when it comes to my blog - but also for the first time in a LONG time, I'm super motivated with my own theatre work. I am currently working on two shows - one of which I will also be performing in, and their is a third project on the table. It feels SO GOOD to be working on writing projects I'm passionate about - and be getting paid to do so! I can't help feel that this is one of those moments where the universe really listened to what I wanted! 

So while the blues may be knawing away at the edges of my new year buzz, things for 2017 are still looking pretty flipping good! How are you battling that January slump an what's made you happy lately?  Oooo and if you have any links to book reviews or recommendations please leave me them in the comments!

Have a gorgeous weekend where ever you are x

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