Oh, Edinburgh...
She doesn't blog for two weeks and when she does she's on about flipping Edinburgh AGAIN. I know, I know! But I did go to Edinburgh, and it was amazing, and I introduced the young man to the fringe for the first time ever and I saw lots of theatre and we had an amazing AirBnB and and and and.... I love Edinburgh. The only downside being, that my trip to the fringe was so early on this year, that I now get to spend the rest of the month with serious fomo! If you're heading up at any point and would like some recommendations let me know in the comments, or look at my twitter, I tweeted loads while I was there!
I saw a Panda...
One of the conditions of the Young Man coming up to Edinburgh was that I took him to see the Pandas at the zoo. Now normally I'm not really a fan of zoo's but it was pretty amazing to see a panda up close, and the work they are doing to get the panda numbers up is a really good thing, and the keepers were so knowledgable and very protective.
Broadband that works...
Now I want you all to just take a moment and think about how many times you curse about your broadband being slow. Or those times when it suddenly goes down all together. Shudder right? I lived without REAL broadband for so long, that it had stopped bothering me, however, on a day when I was feeling particularly irritable I decided to do something about it, and switched my broadband from BT to SKY. Now I could rant about BT for a whole post, but I won't because Sharon at customer services was lovely, and this is meant to be a happy post, so instead I will say this... MY GOD I love having broadband that works!
Dinner with Lucy...
So my best friend Lucy, moved back from London at the end of last year, and I REJOICED, imagining I'd get to see her all the time now we were in the same-ish area, but life and jobs got in the way, and we've only managed a handful of real face to face catch ups. HOWEVER, Lucy has a new job, a job that is now VERY CLOSE to my flat. Closer to my flat than it is her own home, and I don't want to jinx it, but this can only be a good thing! Last week she came over, we shared a pizza, we put the worlds to rights, and next week we're planning on doing it all over again. There is very little in life that can beat a real good catch up with a real good friend, isn't there?
A Weekend in Guildford...
Speaking of real good friends and real good catch ups, it feels like forever ago now, but since my last Happy Friday post, I've also squeezed in a trip down to Guildford to catch up with Tom, Ellie and Olly! You may remember I went to a wedding at the end of May? Well that was Ellie and Olly's wedding, and while I cried my eyes out watching them tie the know (and speeches, and dance, and just generally be) OBVIOUSLY we didn't get that much time to actually catch up. So a reunion weekend of bbq's private kareoke booths, and Sunday dinners to soak up the hang overs was definitely needed!
Taking a week or two off blogging...
So as I mentioned right up at the top of this post, my blogging break was unintentional, however I think it has done me the world of good to just take a step back for a little while. My anxiety flared up pretty badly over the past couple of weeks, and I'd blogging and all the things that go with it, very quickly crossed over in my brain from something that I love doing, to something that I HAVE to do. Switching off, and ignoring the pressure and letting 'blogging etc' slowly but surel migrate back to its rightful place of love, was definitely what I needed to do, regardess of traffic, or interactions, or followers!
Charity shop finds...
So as a rule, I need to spend no money whatsoever this month, however I also need to stop looking at screens before bed so I decided rumaging through a charity shop bookshelf wasn't going to do me any harm. I picked up two books, and a gorgeous soft, knit short sleeve top all for less than a fiver. You have to be in the right mood for charity shops, but when you are and you find some treasure, it definitely feels more like a win than a quick scooch around primark!
And that's it! What has been making you happy lately? I'm going to get back on twitter as of today so you can tweet me over there or leave a comment below! Hope you've had a lovely week, and wishing you an even better weekend x
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