Happy Friday everyone! How the devil are you? Sorry I've been quiet around these parts lately, I've been focusing on tidying up my life! What has your week been like? I hope you've had plenty of time to enjoy the sunshine, it's taken it's time to get here, but summer (ie. this week) has been a scorcher so far!
Anyway while this sunshine has put plenty of us in a jolly mood (when we're not sweaty and complaining about it) even when we've had grey skies, I've had plenty to be happy about lately...
Going Camping
A couple of months ago, a friend gave the Young Man and I a HUGE tent for free. Now other than at festivals I've never actually been camping, and the young man hadn't been in years, so we've sort of had this tent in the back of our mind for a while now, but not even checked if it was in any good condition. However, after having successfully put it up in the Young Man's back garden, we decided that a camping trip was on the agenda, and as our weekends are practically fully booked this summer we decided why wait and headed for the great outdoors last Friday night! We didn't go far, heading to a campsite just an hour away in the Yorkshire dale. We spent our time eating outside and enjoying the rolling hills, and on Sunday we headed back to Ingleton, which is where we went last year for our first ever weekend away together!
My trip to Edinburgh is sorted...
Oh the path to Edinburgh fringe this year has been full of obstacles regarding groups and accomodation. HOWEVER, it is all now sorted, and I have put my requests in for Arts Industry tickets and I am now feeling like a child waiting for Christmas. Long term readers of this blog will know how much I loved Edinburgh Fringe, and how my visit each year really makes me check in with my goals etc. But if you didn't already know that, let me just say this, it's a weekend of theatre, comedy, cider in one of my favourite places in the whole world, and this year I am introducing the Young Man to it!
I'm going home tonight...
I haven't been back to York since May so I'm heading back tonight for the weekend. Tomorrow we're off to the races for the day so I'm hoping this weather keeps up. We're all dressing fancy but we're not bothering going to the posh bit, instead opting to take our own food and drink into the middle bit instead! Plus The Corrs are playing! THE CORRS!
Lots of upcoming summer plans...
Ok if I'm not careful this whole post will turn into a list upcoming plans so lets just put them all under one heading. I was beginning to feel like I didn't have any summery things planned, as our holiday was so early in June, and then wham bam, over the past two weeks my summer diary filled right up! Do you hear that good weather? Just keep on doing you!

Hitting a 1000 followers on twitter...
Ok, I never really used to be into twitter. Get this, I never even scheduled posts. I know blogger sin right there. However recently I've started getting involved in twitter chats, and in the past couple of weeks, I've been more into twitter than instagram. Not something I thought I would ever say. I thought as I prepare to rebrand (yucky word) I should probably set myself some goals, one of them was to get to reach a thousand followers on twitter, and now I have! My other big goal is to reach 300 followers on Bloglovin' by the end of August, so if you don't already, I would love for you to give me a follow!
Taking part in a dance workshop...
I already posted about joining in with a dance workshop for work last week, but it was so much fun, and definitely deserved a space on the happy list! It's so good to try something that is out of your creative comfort zone now and again!
Dinner at Piccolinos...
The other week I met some of the Young Man's extended family for the first time and it was a really lovely evening. We had dinner at Piccolino's then went back to drinks in the garden by candlelight.
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Having some customer service wins!
Ok guys, I have finally sorted my internet out, after way too many months to admit to, of no real connection! Granted listening to hold music repeatedly was not how I wanted to spend my evening on the hottest day of the year so far, but in the end it will be worth it! Here's too seriously saving money on my monthly bill, and actually being able to get online! After this win, I was spurred on to see what other consumer rights I could exercise, and decided to send a tweet about a really disappointing dress purchase I made a couple of months ago, and as easy as that, I'm getting a replacement sent free of charge! As my manager would say, 'Shy bairns, get nowt!'
Having a tidier flat and life!
Ok, so on Monday I posted about how my word for the week was 'tidy' something I wanted to apply not only to my flat but my life in general, and I am very proud to say, I definitely followed through. My flat is tidier than it has probably been all year and I feel much more on top of my finances, freelance work and life admin! Lets hope I can keep this up!
And that's it! What has been making you happy lately? Let me know in the comments, or send me a tweet, because y'know I'm basically a pro at twitter now x
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