Morning Monday... Spring Goals Check In...

Monday 25 April 2016

Happy Monday folks! How are you this morning? Are you ready and raring to go? Ok in the spirit of honesty, I am writing this post from the sofa on a unday afternoon, but I'm sure you can understand that getting up on a Monday Morning early enough to whack up a pretty hefty blog post is just too damm difficult.

To be honest it isn't all that easy right now. Let me paint the picture for you. Despite having written this post about drinking just last Wednesday, I still managed to have just one too many drinks (which is probably a total of only 4 drinks) last night so I'm tired and angsty and so so full, from the huge Sunday lunch I had with my parents five hours ago. I'm currently laid out on the sofa, pyjamas on in true Sunday fashion, and the urge to netflix and nap is oh so tempting BUT... I've been really good at posting regularly recently and don't want that to stop AND I have absolutely no scheduled tweets currently lined up, so #bloggerproblems.

None of this is the ideal situation or mindset to be in when writing a hopefully gee-up-cheer-you-up Monday Morning post, but hey sometimes life is like that, sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns and decide to actively change your mind set. With this in mind, and because I feel I may need a big push of motivation this week, I thought it might be time to check in with my Spring and bigger goals for this year.

Create a morning and night time routine for myself...
I was doing so SO well with this, but I have to admit I have fallen off the band wagon slightly this past fortnight. However, while I may not have been sticking to a strict routine, 100% of the time, overall I have definitely been going to bed earlier every night, binged less on Netflix and get up on a morning with much more time to get ready.
Make my bedroom a calm and happy place...
This one I haven't done quite so well with it. Generally my room is much tidier, but it still needs a big old sort out, luckily there's still plenty of time left for an in season spring clean!
Ease my way back into being fit and fine...
Of all my goals this is the one I've put the least effort into. I've done really well at getting between 6000-10,000 steps a day in but in terms of actual dedicated exercise time, I've done zilch. Unless an afternoon at a trampoline park counts?
Be in secure employment...
Well, this is definitely a work in progress, as I explained in this post. I was hoping that by now I could have ticked this one off the list, but that just hasn't been the case, so on I plod with bid writing, job searching, and finger crossing.
Book a holiday...
Tomorrow! I am doing this TOMORROW. I also have a weekend away with work in Brighton this month and my friends wedding at the end of the month, so as far as adventures go, I'm not doing too badly!
Get my blogging mojo back...
Yup. Got. Here. Next...
My bigger goals for the year... 
Back in September last year, I laid out some bigger goals I wanted to achieve before Edinburgh Fringe this year (August). I won't go into each one in too much detail but I've continued to make pretty good progress with the majority of these. Learning to drive, freelance work, and sorting out my finances are all been worked on every month, but the ones that I'm really struggling with is getting back on stage and writing something other than a blog post. Despite having actually been awarded some funding to do just that I'm finding it really difficult to make that a priority. Which makes me wonder if performing and writing in the same way that I used to is really what I want to be doing still. Some soul searching to be done on that one I think!
Some action points: 

Overall I'm pretty pleased with how my goals are coming along, but as we are half way through Spring (despite what the weather may tell you) I think it's important to refocus a little, so here are some action points I'm setting for myself this week:
  1. Put some time aside to exercise in my diary
  2. Stick to my morning and night routine to the letter every day
  3. Take a load of stuff down to the charity shop and start clearing out my bedroom.
Phew, well, I have to admit, I may not have typed this post up all in one go, I had a nap right after the introduction) but I definitely feel more motivated about the coming week now, and I'm pleasantly suprised with just how many of my goals or either in progress or genuinely ticked off! How are you doing with your goals at the moment? Have you set yourself any action points for the week? Let me know in the comments x

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